Tvedt, TerjeThe River Nile in the Age of the BritishPolitical Ecology and the Quest for Economic Power, Unterstützte Lesegerätegruppen: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
E-Book, Durnell MDL (2004)Format: PDF (Adobe DRM)
15,69 €
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The Nile today plays a crucial role in the economics, politics and cultural life of ten countries and their more than 300 million inhabitants. No other international river basin has a longer, more complex and eventful history than the Nile. In telling the detailed story of the hydropolitics of the Nile valley in a period during which the conceptualisation, use and planning of the waters were revolutionised, and many of the most famous politicians of the twentieth century - Churchill, Mussolini, ...



The River Nile in the Age of the British

Political Ecology and the Quest for Economic Power, Unterstützte Lesegerätegruppen: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Tvedt, Terje


Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-13: 978-0-85771-650-7

Titelnr.: 42447658

Gewicht: 0 g

Durnell MDL (2004)

Durnell MDL

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